Nu500-8b Week3 Discussion 3-1 Reply1 (2 References Required)

Nu500-8b Week3 Discussion 3-1 Reply1 (2 References Required): The nursing theorists that I chose to write about is Katharine Kolcaba Comfort theory. Her theory of comfort can be used in almost any area of nursing, and definitely those that provides patient care…

Nu500-8b Week3 Discussion 3-1 Reply1 (2 References Required)

 Nursing Theory

Identify one specific nursing theory that relates to your area of practice. 

The nursing theorists that I chose to write about is Katharine Kolcaba Comfort theory. Her theory of comfort can be used in almost any area of nursing, and definitely those that provides patient care. As emergency room nurse, we see patients in an acute state of discomfort. It becomes our job to see that patients comfort needs are met, as well as the family members. “Comfort theory is an immediate desirable outcome of nursing care, according to the Comfort Theory“ (Comfort Theory by Katharine Kolcaba, n.d.).   

Discuss the type of the selected nursing theory according to scope (meta-theory, grand, middle-range, or practice theory) and purpose (descriptive, explanatory, predictive, or prescriptive).

Katharine Kolcaba comfort theory of nursing, was developed in the 1990s (Comfort Theory by Katharine Kolcaba, n.d.). Though her theory is considered a middle-middle range theory, her theory’s has been cited in a considerable number of nursing studies(McEwen & Wills, n.d.).

The major focus on her theory included: comfort, comfort care, comfort measures, comfort needs, health-seeking behaviors, institutional integrity, and intervening variables (McEwen & Wills, n.d.). “Understanding of comfort can promote nursing care that is holistic and inclusive of physical, psychospiritual, social, and environmental interventions” (McEwen & Wills, n.d.). 


Provide an example of how the selected nursing theory can be applied to your area of practice. The example should include core concepts of the theory and demonstrate its practical application. ​​​​​​​

See also  In this assignment, you will complete a comprehensive psychiatric assessment interview of an adult/older adult.

“Kolcaba described comfort as existing in 3 forms: relief, ease, and transcendence” (Comfort Theory by Katharine Kolcaba, n.d.). Nursing can be described as the process of assessing the patients comfort needs, developing and implementing suitable nursing interventions, and evaluating the patients comfort level after receiving nursing intervention (Comfort Theory by Katharine Kolcaba, n.d.).

For example, a patient is seen in the emergency room for foot pain. From the moment they are placed in a room, they are assessed by the doctor and the nurse. The assessment for pain can be objective or subjective. Some of those needs are identified by the nurse, who then implements interventions to meet the needs of the patient (McEwen & Wills, n.d.). Intervention can be as simple as a bag of ICE or foot placement. If pain medication is prescribed, a pain scale is then used to assess level of paint. A pain scale will continue to be used until a level of comfort is achieved by the patient.