Signature Theme Response: Please comment in the following discussions with 1 or two paragraphs and two citations each.

Signature Theme Response: Please comment in the following discussions with 1 or two paragraphs and two citations each…

Please comment in the following discussions with 1 or two paragraphs and two citations each.

I enjoyed taking the strength finder assessment and firmly believe the results are accurate; enough so that when my husband read them, he wanted to take the assessment as well. Given that this module states students will need this assessment in future classes, I purchased the 34 Signature Theme profile.

               In order from one to five, my top five Signature Themes are learner, input, restorative, futuristic, and focus. Learner, input, and futuristic fall into the strategic category, while restorative and focus are found in the executing category. I continued to follow the learning modules on the Gallup page and found the videos helpful. Each theme touched on several keywords which others and I often use to describe my personality. For example, the top three results could be interpreted as learning about a problem, storing the information, and repairing the problem – and it is the job of nurses and providers.

               My bottom five Signature Themes, from 30 to 34, are analytical, context, ideation, intellection, and Strategic. Oddly enough, my weakest Signature Themes all fall into the same category as three of my best Signature Themes – strategic. I am not sure of the precise relevancy of the lowest results being in the same category as my top results, but I do look forward to receiving my full results to learn how to improve in these areas.

               As a child, I vividly recall my father saying that God should come before all else, followed by family and friends, and finally, everything else. “Values are the foundation of culture…” (Starr, 2016). While I understand not everyone believes in God or a “higher power,” this belief, which happens to be number seven on my list, has been one of the pillars in my life where I had turned when I was faced with uncertain times or difficult situations. In fact, I have found myself sitting on the front steps of my church many times to think and pray while peering into the Mississippi Sound and feeling the warm breeze graze my face and run through my hair. Unfortunately, COVID-19 restructured church environments and disrupted the faith and beliefs of many people, myself included. A few weeks ago, my husband and I were talking about resuming physically attending church.

               Number nine is on my list and another core value I would like to strengthen is consistency. Being consistent in an inconsistent world is a difficult task for me to fulfill. My husband, on the other hand, is highly consistent. He views the world in black and white or right and wrong; however, he is a police officer, so there is often no grey area in his line of work. I am not consistently inconsistent, but it is undoubtedly an area I should strengthen.

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               Based on individual results, it is more efficient to focus on improving your top five strengths rather than areas requiring substantial improvement (CliftonStrenghts, 2019). As a learner, I place much effort into consistently having an open mind to others’ thoughts, values, and beliefs. However, one of the action items listed in the learner resource guide encourages being a catalyst for change. Change both excites and frightens me, so I would like to work on this skill. I do not mind speaking up or asking questions, but the uncertainty of change is a challenge for me.

The other strength I would like to strengthen is cited within the restorative strength. I enjoy the challenge of repairing things others have already given up on; however, there are times when I also cannot restore the person or item into productive working order. It is this area that I need to improve since I first become frustrated when I cannot solve the problem and then upset when I also realize that I may be able to improve the outcome to some extent, but the solution does not include complete restoration. Since I can usually fully or mostly repair most problems I am presented with, those items which I fail are humbling.

               Most experts agree the Big Five personality traits are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and emotional stability (Weinschenk & Dawes, 2017). Therefore, the two traits I would like to work on would be extraversion and agreeableness. I am selective in nearly everything in my life, which is a characteristic of my focus strength, but there are times when I envy those who attend social events often or have large circles of friends. However, I am usually content with my small and selective circle of friends; I believe I could benefit from increasing my extraversion. My teenage children are shocked anytime they witness me at a party of adults or playing entertaining card games. My oldest son once eluded to not knowing that I was “able to be funny.”

               Being raised to question everything and to think outside the box has led me to be more confrontational when needed. I believe confrontation can lead to positive and negative outcomes, but I have started working on agreeing to or on certain things without first asking “why.” I still ask these questions in my head or in more covert ways, but I believe I will always research and analyzes most things before fully committing to an agreement. However, maybe this is one reason I can solve problems others have given up on or believe is unsolvable.

               A transformational leader must develop the aptitude to recognize, comprehend, and perform successfully within the realities of the situation and environment in which you operate (Broome & Marshall, 2021). In addition, knowing one’s strengths and weaknesses and how to build on one’s strengths can further bolster the individual’s leadership capabilities.



Broome, M. E., & Marshall, E. S. (2021). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (3rd ed.). Springer Publishing Company.

CliftonStrengths. (2019). Using CliftonStrengths to Improve Performance. Gallup.

Starr, J. P. (2016). Leadership. Phi Delta Kappan, 98(3), 72–73.

Weinschenk, A. C., & Dawes, C. T. (2017). Genes, Personality Traits, and the Sense of Civic Duty. American Politics Research, 46(1), 47–76.

2nd post

Clifton Results

The results of the Clifton Strength Finder Assessment were enlightening, although not surprising.  My top five strengths included Woo, Communication, Positivity, Includer, and Connectedness.  The report produced described my personality very accurately.  According to the assessment, I work best when my circle is large, love meeting and getting to know new people and their values, and making sure everyone is included so that no one feels left out. 

At my workplace, I tend to be one of the first to talk to new hires, asking them about their lives and previous work experience.  At home, I tend to be the one to host larger gatherings, and my friends know they are welcome to bring new people to any event.  I am happiest when surrounded by large groups of people who all feel that they can be themselves.

Core Values

Core values are strong beliefs that drive you to be the best you can be.  The practice of these in the workplace is associated with a positive work environment and influences one’s actions and decision-making (Oh et al., 2018). Two core values I possess that have a constructive influence are acceptance and positivity. Acceptance is important working in healthcare as it enables me to approach each person non-judgementally, whether it be a co-worker or a patient. 

This helps co-workers to feel comfortable working with me and asking questions.  This is especially important in psychiatric units as patients feel they can come to me and speak about anything.  Regardless of the history or beliefs of the patient, I do my best to approach each person with respect and listen without judgment. 

Positivity is not always thinking everything is great or a constant state of happiness but the ability to see the light in each situation. The facility where I am employed is crowded with negativity from complaints about the job itself, other co-workers, or patients.  I occasionally fall into this negative trap and join in, but I try my hardest to make the best of each situation and encourage co-workers to do the same. 

I often find myself being the “but” employee.  “Yes, this is currently frustrating, but….”, then mentioning something positive about the day or situation.  I do occasionally get poked fun at for this attitude, but it helps to lighten the mood.  Spreading positivity in the workplace can help us work better together as a team, and better serve our patients (Geue, 2018).


Two strengths I possess based upon the Clifton Strength Finder are Woo and Communication.  Woo is an acronym for Winning Others Over.  This asset helps when meeting new people and helping them to feel comfortable. This pairs well with include as people with this strength dislike seeing others left out and go above and beyond to help all present feel included. This can be helpful at work when showing new patients or employees around the unit. I am employed at an inpatient facility, so each new person admitted will be spending the next few days of their life around those already there.  It is an open unit where people walk around and socialize, so helping them feel included in the milieu helps encourage them to attend groups and come out of their rooms.

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Communication is vital in any workplace and has directly impacted positive health outcomes for patients (Brown, 2020).  We are with our patients 12 hours per day, and many times other than a few groups and other peers, we are their only support systems during their admission.  It is crucial to speak with various people with different backgrounds, beliefs, and thought processes.  Additionally, it is imperative to efficiently relay what we have learned about our patients, their needs, and circumstances to other members of the care team.


Short Comings

I must work on two things: envisioning the change needed and having the confidence to research and present evidence on why these changes are required.  The importance of building relationships and thriving on them keeps me from challenging others when I believe their ideas go against good patient care.  For example, we are currently running four psychiatric units, three of which can hold 23 psychiatric patients at one time.  Can you imagine being in a mental health crisis and being put into a unit with 22 other people in crisis? 

The noise levels alone on these units are enough to increase anxiety in even the most level-headed person, let alone someone presenting that already has severe anxiety.  Unfortunately, our hospital is more concerned about profit than actually helping those we admit, which is very disheartening.  As much as I would like to research to prove these units seem to cause more harm than good, I lack both the motivation and confidence to do so.  Mainly because I do not think any changes would be made.  Fewer patients mean less money for the facility regardless of better patient outcomes.


Brown, A. (2020). Communication and leadership in healthcare quality governance. Journal of Health Organization and Management34(2), 144–161.

Geue, P. E. (2018). Positive Practices in the Workplace: Impact on Team Climate, Work Engagement, and Task Performance. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science54(3), 272–301.

Oh, J., Cho, D., & Lim, D. H. (2018). Authentic leadership and work engagement: The mediating effect of practicing core values. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 39(2), 276-290. doi:

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