Nursing Theories: Respond to this post with one paragraph – nice paragraph and two citations…

Nursing Theories: Respond to this post with one paragraph – nice paragraph and two citations…

Nursing Theories

​Healthcare managers need to identify leadership theories that are appropriate to the specific nursing practices. When the ideal leadership style is put in place, nurses can grow their competencies to become good leaders and improve interpersonal relationships with healthcare stakeholders. If the correct leadership theories are put into practice, organizational conflicts and challenges caused by a lack of teamwork are kept at bay. Effective leadership, therefore, leads to excellent delivery of healthcare where all consumer demands are met.​Transformational leadership theory asserts that leaders inspire employees into working towards common objectives and use such goals as a source of motivation (Lin et al., 2015).

The impact of transformational leadership is evident where the leaders are trustworthy and dedicated towards a common objective. In nursing, a supervisor who supports nurses keeps them satisfied and motivated to work. Such leaders can motivate, empower, and set strategies that promote cooperation and effective communication. A study by Lin et al. (2015) on the effect of transformational leadership on the working environment and quality of nurses’ lives found that this leadership style significantly contributes to job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and a quality working life.​The theory of servant leadership is premised on the idea that leaders should serve their subordinates and followers. Such leaders seek to bring out the potential of their followers through their actions of selfless service (Aij & Rapsaniotis, 2017).

The focus is on the well-being of those led rather than the leader’s self-interest. This style is important in leading nurses because it takes into consideration the emotional and physical well-being of the nurses. Servant leaders value their subordinates and develop them through training, guidance, and recognition. Servant leadership style has proven effective in nursing because leadership is shared and authenticity is inculcated.​I have observed that in my organization there are hardly any conflicts and further healthcare has been improving. Our model focuses on improving the skills and competence of nurses and providing them with a conducive work environment.

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Our shared objective is to improve patient care in a collaborative work environment. This success has been inspired by transformational and servant leadership practices. References Aij, K. H., & Rapsaniotis, S. (2017). Leadership requirements for Lean versus servant leadership in health care: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 9, 1 Lin, P. Y., MacLennan, S., Hunt, N., & Cox, T. (2015). The influences of nursing transformational leadership style on the quality of nurses’ working lives in Taiwan: a cross-sectional quantitative study. BMC nursing, 14(1), 1-9.

Respond to this post with one paragraph – nice paragraph and two citations

Two key insights are how nurse leadership affects the quality of nursing and patient outcomes and every employee requires a different form of leadership (Pullen, 2016). These two key insights are fundamental. They are concrete concepts that must be understood to lead effectively.

Transformational leadership is a unique form of leadership that involves triggering motivation in employees to get them to perform a particular task. Transformational leadership consists of four I’s (individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, and idealized influence). Transactional leadership is a form of leadership where leaders ensure that a task is completed through reward or punishment (Maxwell, 2017).

Each employee requires different forms of leadership. Some employees require micromanagement. Some employees simply want to know the task and take off running. Therefore, it is important to know which form of leadership is needed for each employee. However, transformational leadership allows for more intellectual growth. It can be modified to and tailored to meet the individual’s needs (Hughes, 2017).


For example, my boss is truly amazing. She has gotten to understand what motivates us and tries to create an environment where we all feel as if were partaking in a mission greater than ourselves. However, she tries to be very flexible, accommodating, fair, and understanding. When I informed her that I wanted to go back to school and become a nurse practitioner she immediately started writing my name on the board with the initials of nurse practitioner. She said it was a way to keep me motivated. It is those key concepts that trickle down and affect every aspect of patient care. When an employee feels empowered, they can better partake in the mission of the organization. This in turn helps to generate healthy patient outcomes. Effective leadership is a trickle effect.

Nursing Theories


Hughes, V. (2017). Standout nurse leaders…what’s in the research? Nursing Management, 48(9), 16–24.

Maxwell, E. (2017). Good leadership in nursing: What is the most effective approach? Nursing Times.

Pullen, R. L. (2016). Leadership in nursing practice. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 14(3), 26–31.