Nursing Research: For this assignment activity, I want you to answer the questions below. Refer to module and text book readings…

Nursing Research: For this assignment activity, I want you to answer the questions below. Refer to module and text book readings.  Give rationales for all of your answers.

  1. Identify and define the most commonly used data collection methods for qualitative research.
  2. What are the most commonly used data collection methods used for each of the following qualitative research traditions:
    1. Ethnography
    2. Phenomenology
    3. Grounded Theory

Relative to the Heikkinen et al. article, answer the following questions and include supporting rationales.

  1. What data collection methods were used (be sure to include nurse measures, patient measures, and physiologic measures)?
  2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each data collection method?
See also  Management-treatment of Type 2 Diabetes.

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