briefly describe a specific global phenomenon, (you are going to analyze in the paper (a detailed description of the phenomenon under consideration should appear in the Discussion part);

Please read the word file and check the sample paper for instructions. It has to be in your own words and no plagiarism. Paper requires tables and chart comparison.

School of Business Administration

Econ 6367, Global Economics

Term Paper/Case Study

The Covid 19 Pandemic Impact on Global Economy

C:\Users\Hajileem\Desktop\Pandemic Picture.png

Case Assignment

To prevent the spread of the coronavirus, governments around the world implemented lockdown measures that shut down most of the economic activities and business around the globe, so many lost jobs and unemployment rate increased significantly. So many businesses, manufacturers and companies that consider to be major sources of economic growth were hit badly, global stock market crashed and all countries were isolated.

International Monetary Fund has called this widespread economic restrictions “Great Lockdown”, which led the shut down in economic activities and job loss and higher unemployment rate globally.

In this paper, students are to describe the history of pandemic, analyze impacts and implications of the pandemic, and critically assess different strategies that may be implemented to reduce the disease spread in the world. This strategies could include any of the fiscal, monetary or foreign exchange rate policies. The implementation of global environmental policies and international cooperation to prevent any disease widespread could be discussed as well.

In attempting the assignment, students are expected to apply concepts, tools and techniques introduced during the course. The assignment is designed to make students (i) apply economic analysis to a real world situation and (ii) search in current newspapers, periodicals, on-line, in order to find data and articles that illustrate a specific issue. (Individual term paper/case study assessing course Learning Objective 6.)

Paper Outline

The paper should have a logical flow to it, and make use of appropriate headings and subheadings. You should follow the suggested format described below:

COVER PAGE. Your paper should include a cover sheet which is similar for all students. Do not show the page number on this sheet. Please include:

· research topic (title)

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· your name

· semester date (i.e. Fall 2022)

· instructor’s name

In case you have questions on how to start your page numbering on a different page, do a google search.

ABSTRACT. Abstract should not exceed 200 words and should summarize the main points of your paper. Do not show the page number on this sheet.

TABLE OF CONTENTS (1 page). Do not show the page number on this sheet.

1. INTRODUCTION Start page numbering at “1.” In the Introduction you should:

• briefly define globalization, its types, aspects, importance, evolution, etc.;

• briefly describe a specific global phenomenon, (you are going to analyze in the paper (a detailed description of the phenomenon under consideration should appear in the Discussion part);

• carefully explain how this phenomenon fits into/relates to the process of economic globalization, that is, whether it reflects globalization of consumption, globalization of production and ownership, or globalization of labor;

• describe how your paper is organized, that is, what you are going to discuss in each of the following sections.

2. DISCUSSION/ANALYTICAL PART It is recommended that you break this part into several sections (and sub-sections) with appropriate headings (sub-headings). Please provide a comprehensive demand and supply side analysis.

3. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . Your analysis should lead you to reasonable conclusions.

REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY should include the references that you cite, but also a listing of the material that contributed to your body of knowledge. Where did you look for answers? If it helped you, please include a reference. Use of information from outside sources that is not attributed will be considered plagiarism. The consequences of academic dishonesty are discussed in the Student Manual. Reference/Bibliography section should give full information. Authors of articles and books and material without specific authors or editors, such as government documents, bulletins, or newspapers, are to be listed alphabetically. Include page numbers only when appropriate. Consistency is more important than style. Be sure to acknowledge the source of all information from outside sources either in footnotes or in the text. In-text quotations must correspond exactly with the original in wording, spelling, and punctuation. Page numbers must be given. Changes must be indicated: use brackets to identify insertions; use ellipsis dots (…) to show omissions. Also indicate where emphasis has been added. Only lengthy quotations (more than 50 words) should be separated from the text; such quotations must be double-spaced and indented at the left margin. References to authors in the text must exactly match those in the Reference/Bibliography section.

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APPENDICES. Here you should put your tables, graphics (such as bar charts, trend lines, etc.) and any other important materials. Tables must be designed to fit comfortably on a page. For tables, use the ‘create table’ feature in MS-Word. Each table must have a title and be numbered

consecutively with Arabic numbers. Do not abbreviate in column headings, etc. For example, spell out “percent”; do not use the percent sign. Place a zero in front of the decimal point in all decimal fractions (i.e., 0.357, not .357). Each table should be no more than 10 columns wide.

Figures should be supplied as high quality. Figures should be produced in black and white. Tints and complex shading should be avoided. Figures must have a title and be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers.

Submission Format


The text of your paper (the text only, that is, not including the Cover Sheet, Abstract, Table of Contents, Bibliography/References, Tables, Charts, and other appendices) may not exceed 5pages (excluding the reference list).


Use any 11-12 point standard font (Times New Roman, Garamond, Verdana, Courier New). The main thing is to keep it consistent throughout the entire text.


Use single line spacing.


Allow one space between paragraphs.


Final versions of your paper should reach the instructor in clear and grammatically correct English. Where necessary authors must ensure that their assignments have been checked for errors of English by a person with perfect command of the language.

For capitalization, punctuation, quotations, tables, captions, and all matters of bibliographical style, follow the practices recommended by the APA Style.


Also, you may use the Chicago Manual of Style. The 15th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style is available online to all UHV users – on campus and remotely. You can find it under the “List of All Databases A-Z” in the Quick Links box at the VC/UHV Library. Adherence to the APA or Chicago style is recommended, although this is not critical – as long as you are consistent throughout the paper. The UHV Student Success Center offers several online workshops and presentations as well as writing assistance.

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Student Success Center Writing Center

Submission Requirements

Papers must be submitted during the period specified on the Course Schedule. Early or late assignments will not be accepted.

Submit your paper electronically via the ASSIGNMENTS tool on Blackboard.

Your paper must be saved as ONE file. Submissions consisting of several files will not be accepted.

The name of the file should be Paper_Your last name. For example, Paper_Smith.

Preferred file format is PDF (not DOC or DOCX!!!). If you are using the newest version of MS-Word, click on the “SAVE AS” button and then choose “PDF” from the “SAVE AS TYPE” options. If this option is not available on your PC, you can google free tools to use online.

Grading Policy

Grades will be based on depth of analysis, evidence of research, quality of writing, and careful adherence to the submission requirements (see above). Incoherent papers will not receive a passing grade, and plagiarized papers will receive a “zero” (additional penalties may be imposed, as well).

Academic Dishonesty

Copying of another’s work and representing it as your own work is a serious academic offense, and will be treated as such. Failure for the course is the common penalty for even moderately serious instances of dishonesty. (See the UHV Student Handbook.)
