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Acute Stroke Recovery
This assignment will concentrate on how a team of different health professionals will help Alfred (from the case study) on his journey of recovery from acute stroke. The following health professionals may be required to team up in order to help Alfred on his journey to recover: Physiotherapist ( help tackle weakness or paralysis), Orthotist (help with muscle function by supporting limbs with braces), Occupation Therapist (help on day-to-day activities),
Speech and language therapist (tackles the damage done to communication skills), Dietician (provide advice on eating a healthy diet), psychiatrist (help with emotional difficulties), optician (can recommend aids such as eye patch), Social worker (to deal with his welfare and that of his mother), Radiographer (to deal with scans) and Doctor (refers Alfred to all other professionals and prescribe treatment) (Stroke Association, 2010).
The team will try to lower and stabilize the condition, prevent it from reoccurring and support Alfred to do things that he cannot do by himself. First, will highlight different s key skills needed by interprofessional, they will identify and talk about different factors that may influence the care plan received by Alfred.
Furthermore different organizational structures which will affect the care plan received by Alfred will be discussed. Also, elaboration of different codes of conduct and how will help different professions to do their job effectively. Nevertheless, there will be highlights of different legislations and will show how they deliver care plans for the service user.
An interprofessional team is a type of multicultural environment, in which the unique cultures of professions, departments, agencies, and disciplines come together for a common purpose (Martin & Rogers 2004). According to Wade et al., (1985), the health professional team is to help the patient to return to normal physical, social and emotional state whenever possible.
Highlight key skills that you think your profession and other professions possess that positively assist Alfred on his journey towards recovery?
Professionals need to have shared skills based on a common overview and clearer knowledge of different perspectives of patients and other professionals (Keene, 2001). There are many share skills in the multidisciplinary team but today only a few will explain.
The team will need good communication to help Alfred to know his future health rehabilitation and person-centered care which will enable him to empower and offer him a degree of control regarding the care he receives from all professionals. It is also important for disciplinary groups to communicate with each other to ensure continuity of care and monitor Alfred’s progress in all aspects of his life.
In relation to communication, it is important that Alfred is regularly assessed to ensure that an effective care plan is put in place. Along with the care plan goals and measures are incorporated this is to offer motivation to Alfred and highlights any area of extra support which will be required.
During the assessment progress problems will also be highlighted e.g. what type of Occupation Therapy equipment will be needed, checking if his medication working effectively if he receives enough required support such as day center access, benefits, and diet requirements.
Identify and discuss a number of different factors that may influence/impinge upon the care package received by Alfred, e.g. values, attitudes, beliefs, and issues of equality and how these may affect your decision-making.
Concerns regarding Alfred’s lifestyle in terms of value beliefs and altitude has to be considered within his care package due to the effects it has on his health. The patient must be treated with respect and should not be discriminated against in any way. Issues like smoking will be attempted to be addressed as advised and will be offered along with counseling, to help Alfred reduce his smoking. Professions should help Alfred without influencing or discriminating against his smoking habit.
Alfred’s care plan can also be affected due to stress regarding his mother hill health, therefore it will be considered to provide care to his mother. Alfred will also be encouraged to socialize with his old friend and restart activities such as dart as part of his rehabilitation. This will be decided due to his passion for dart and provide an incentive to stop smoking. Alfred’s care plan will also contain a strong routine; this decision was influenced by the fact that Alfred lived a sedentary lifestyle before his stroke.
Identify and discuss how the different structures within organizations can affect the care received by Alfred?
In order for Alfred to receive a positive experience in his care, it is important that the care groups are governed by different structures. These structures can be more formal and legal in structure than informal and less professional approaches of volunteers (Wade et al., 1985).
E.g. volunteer groups are generally selected on their basis of liability and interest, while groups like National Health Services (NHS) employ people based on qualification, knowledge and ability. Those who work in volunteer centers are usually provided with very basic training, whilst professional workers by law and regulations have to be trained more intensively and adequately to provide service.
Volunteer groups are very valuable to Alfred’s care as they can offer a more personal approach and help to build a more friendly relationship which will help release stress and concerns Alfred. Professional buddies are less likely to achieve due to restrictions with time and resources. Together all these organizations will help to provide Alfred with a more complete care package. Things that will affect Alfred’s recovery will be, not being able to communicate effectively, time management, and poor attendance within organisation.
How do the different codes of conduct support you and the wider team to deliver care and treatment to Alfred?
Codes of conduct are a very important principle of health care that provides a good structure to all persons and organisations. They provide a core element on what should be covered and achieved when providing support.
According to HPC (2008), all health professionals are under a duty to put the patients first, this must be demonstrated by all team members when they work to fulfill the common goal which is to help Alfred on his journey to recovery. Confidentiality should be maintained by keeping all of Alfred’s health-related records private and keeping them in the safely locked cupboard all the time.
Alfred has the right to know his financial and medical information will be looked after and he will be informed if that privacy is breached. Multidisciplinary team members must respect Alfred’s right to refuse treatment or a treatment option, if he may wish to do so. E.g. Alfred may refuse the exercise routine which has been prescribed by his physician if he thinks the routine is too much for him. Alfred must be treated with courtesy and respect regardless of his belief, values, and diversity.
What examples of different legislation might you have to pay due regard to in the delivery of care of Alfred?
The followings are a few of the legislation that will apply in Alfred’s case; Health and Safety Act 1974, Equality Act 2010, and Data Protection Act 1998. For the team to perform Health and Safety Professionals must make sure that Alfred is in a safe environment all time by carrying out risk assessments, due to these assessments the team will identify what might cause harm to Alfred and all the key people around him.
There must be a First Aid kit available on the premises, all professionals must put on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) whenever needed and report all incidents that might occur. All professionals and other people who look after him must be trained to use particular equipment when performing a particular task (Health and Safety Act 1974).
According to the Equality Act 2010, all professionals will need to treat Alfred without any judgment or any discrimination against any belief that he has. The team needs to maintain democracy and people’s rights in order to provide equal rights to Alfred. Alfred’s self-esteem and confidence must be kept to a level and try not to make him feel isolated or psychologically stressed.
According to Data Protection Act, 1998, people must protect against misuse of information about them. Alfred’s data should be kept safe and prevented from unauthorized access and against loss accident damage or total destruction. The Professional team must provide and maintain confidentiality in Alfred’s data records all the time.
The multidisciplinary team collaborated effectively because they were all client orientated and passionate about what they were doing. They all cared about Alfred’s needs. All multidisciplinary team members had different perspectives and different opinions individually but they all had one aim, to help Alfred through his journey of recovery. They all had say and fair participation in Alfred’s care, although all professionals came from different departments of health organizations, all of them had sharing skills that helped them to understand each other and focus on Alfred’s needs.
The multidisciplinary team provided quality care by following all codes of conduct and putting all required legislation in place for caring for Alfred. All multidisciplinary team members got strengths and weaknesses in some areas however they all looked after each other, from Consultants, Nurses, Occupation Therapies, Radiographers, Social workers, and Health social care.
All managed to keep on focussing on helping Alfred, by preventing his condition to worsen, concentrated on caring for Alfred’s health and social needs, stabilizing and supporting him to do things that he couldn’t manage to do by himself in the future, and finally to complete his journey for recovery.
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